Two more TiGer YEar.....which is my year! hehe!
Only a few chinese come to school 2day~~~
And I wonder why myself can be one of the last person to go back~~~
No choice~~~ I have to wait for my brother as my dad forced me to sit flight~~~
Too excite now~~~ waiting for time to go airport....HUHU!
Tis year is the most special year, as I get myself ready to celebrate and welcome Tiger Year~~~
Hoping that in my own year, I can shun shun li li especially in my study......
May luck be with me always....
On Wednesday, my mum gave a call and told me that tiger must wear red colour in the first day of tiger year!!!
Panic betul when heard tis as I didn't buy any red dress...
I hate last min shopping !
Cos LAST MIN SHOPPING either no size, no nice clothes or KInda EXPENSIVE!
So, yesterday morning, I asked 2 of my frenz to accompany me to go search for red clothes~~
By rushing into Queensbay Mall, we searched for around 1 hour, and tat time I still thinking my mission might fail~~~ As we walked the whole south wing with empty hand.
But then, luckily, I manage to find a shop name GEB with lots of red dress~~~
Tried around 10 dress....
Finally i manage to choose sumthg nice as below~~~
Heart broken when bought tis dress~~~~ Around RM90+ after less....
Fortunately, mum paid half~~~ wakaka! but still I still internal bleeding....
So Hoping that tis ONG dress really bring ONG to me
Gournmet Bakwa that I bought in QB as required by my dad~~~Bakgua is really expensive loh....300g around rm 38
As I said, I get myself ready for tiger year!Last weekend, I change my new bedsheet in my Penang's House
And my baby also put on new clothes~~~ HUHU!
New pencil case I bought at Sunshine Square last week!
Tomorrow is Chinese New Year Eve loh......
My grandma will be cooking different varieties of food such as curry chicken, duck, fish, lok bak and others~~~
Will upload those photos soon after tomorow!